Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to LSS Survivors!

Hello fellow survivors,

My name is Starlight. This blog is for anyone between the ages of 30 and 40 who attended certain "New Age" retreats and camps in the early-to-mid 1980s. Were your parents into crystals, Eastern religion, or "ESP"? Were they ever inducted into a secret society, and were you promised great things, only to have your childhood destroyed by the terror and abuse at the hands of these monsters?
If the abbreviation "LSS" means anything to you, or being asked a certain question in French compels you to answer no matter how hard you try to refuse, then you know exactly what we are talking about.

The primary purpose of this blog is as a support group for those of you who suffered at their hands, or even think you may have. Remember: memories are funny things. But we are here to help. We offer fellowship, camaraderie, and common ground. We wish to provide a safe haven where you can share your stories, and have them heard with respect and kindness.

There will be more to come, soon!

Yours in peace and harmony,
