Thursday, October 25, 2012

LSS Survivor Board

Hey everyone, I am putting together a discussion board for this. I'll post the link here when it's ready. (I've been super busy with my day job.) We can discuss our experiences with LSS more in-depth there.

Yours in peace and harmony,


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I see a few folks have posted comments on my original post. Perhaps I should start a forum instead of just a blog, where we can talk about our experiences or those of our loved ones. Honestly I did not expect even this many replies, so soon.

If you attended one of these "retreats" or "camps", and you did not experience any abuse at the hands of those who ran them, then I am very happy for you. You were one of the lucky ones.

But if anyone has attended any of these, whether the one in Lunenburg, or any anywhere else, please post in the comments here and let's talk about it. We should connect and share our stories. Even if the camp you attended did not seem to be connected to anything involving Lunenburg, if the situation seems familiar to you, I encourage you to post here and share your story.

Together, we can help each other heal.

Yours in peace and harmony,
